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Friday, May 25, 2012

Le Beaut Shoppe : Dress!

Hello, Lovelys!
To be honest, I ran out of money, and I really need it. Pronto. So I decided to sell this beautiful dress of mine.

I bought this dress when I was twelve and I swear I've only worn it three times in these two years. It's in its best quality so you don't need to worry about things like broken zipper, unraveling stuff, and many other problems. No worries. I guarantee you that it's worth it.

Check this dress of mine out for me please.

This dress will make you effortlessly beautiful.

Look at the cropped section. It's so IN right?

By the way, it's not me. It's my best friend, Gung Anya.
(Follow her on Twitter, @anyakanita)

What a beautiful dress, ya? If you're interested, please tell me by leaving a comment!

Thank you for viewing! I love you, Gorgeous 

-Abigail Gee

Sunday, May 20, 2012

The Maine; John Cornelius O'Callaghan V 2

Hello, beauts!
I know, I know. I know how you feel about posting about the same guy for many times. But, I just love this guy! He's my inspiration and he's totes gorgeous.

So, I'd like to post some other pictures of him today. Some of you sure have been waiting for this moment. New pictures!

Anyway, these pictures and the other ones are NOT mine. I copied them from many links that I can't even mention one by one. But most of these pictures are taken from Tumblr. That's for sure.

So, check these out!

(note: even his armpits are adorable)

Well, that's for today. Stay viewing my blog, sweethearts. I might post other pictures later.
And this is the quote for today:

Love and be loved! 

-Abigail Gee